Friday, February 8, 2013

Running. I'm doing it wrong.

Sooo I've been running with the Nike+ Running app since the beginning of last August. I love it! I have shown improvement in my time and distance and have not dropped my phone once (a miracle all in itself)! So I trust it. I even ran my PRT (Navy physical fitness test) and received basically the same result that the test coordinators did and that solidified my trust in the app.

All was honky dory until today. My friend Leah and I did our first co-"long run" of our training program for the half marathon. 5 miles is the farthest I've ever run! It was intimidating and I was not excited. Unfortunately, right from the get go our tracking devices were off. She wore a Garmin watch and I did my usual iPhone app. Altogether, our entire run was off by an entire MILE! That's a long way when you're training and relying on a device for a long period of time.

I'm just disappointed. I already knew I was slow. But damn I didn't know I was THAT slow. I'm panicking. I guess I'm just hoping that i can finish this stupid half in April under 3 hours before the sweepers/cleaners come to scoop me up in the mess. Because that's what I will be. This fact has plagued me for 99% of the rest of the day.

I required some of this while I coped with the realization that all my running for the past 6 months is null and void

And then later on that night, I required some of this...

and maybe a glass of this...

Okay maybe I had two. I'm such a freaking light weight that two of those cause me some loopy and tipsyness. This is why I don't drink very often...

The above 2 glasses of wine helped me to buy ohhhh ummm 4 new books on Amazon on how not to suck so much at running. Hopefully it helps. 

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